Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Blog Post #3

Judy Brady, I Want A Wife, The Bedford Reader, p360

Judy Brady’s essay “ I Want A Wife” Is about the daily struggles of an unappreciated housewife in the 1970’s. The main point of Brady’s essay is that society is very sexist, that it is a man’s world and women are expected to honor and obey their husbands. Women are expected to put their own wants and needs aside and focus solei on their children and their husbands wants and needs.  I think the purpose of this article is to spotlight the issue of sexism and for women to relate and gain the courage to standup for their own needs and happiness.

Christina Hoff Sommers, Men-It’s In Their Nature, The Bedford Reader, p365

Sommers essay “ Men- It’s Their Nature” is about the differences in gender on a biological level. Sommers’ points out that no matter how hard we try to tone down masculinity by taking away games and toys from boys, typically found in their classrooms and bedrooms and replace them with gender neutral toys and games, Boys are still going to want to do masculine things like construction and serving in the military. Instead of taking these toys and games away it is better to teach the child at a young age how to be a respectful honorable man. The purpose of this article is to communicate that good values do not come from what our children are playing with. Good values come from the parent and the home the child is being raised in.

I choose to use Christina Hoff Sommers essay “Men-It’s In Their Nature” to write about in my analytical essay. 


  1. Nice strong summaries of each article. However, the last paragraph should be more then just telling me which article you are going to analyze for your paper. It should also explain why that article stood out to you.

  2. Your summaries were full of good details, awesome job! Is there any specific reason you chose to analyze "Men-It's In Their Nature"? Opposed to the other article?
